Clay Gordon

Ambassador Clay Gordon

Chocolate Ambassador

Clay Gordon is the author of Discover Chocolate: The Ultimate Guide to Buying, Tasting, and Enjoying Fine Chocolate, and founder of, the largest community focusing solely on chocolate in the world. Gordon has been seriously involved in the chocolate industry for nearly a quarter of a century, lecturing, writing and teaching about chocolate.

Clay Gordon is the founder of the New World Chocolate Society. A leading independent authority on chocolate, he conducts chocolate tastings and classes across the country. His insights about chocolate are frequently published in the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, and Business Week, among other publications.

Clay Gordon, Goodwill Ambassador for Chocolate Internationally.

Goodwill Ambassador

Spending nearly 30 years in the chocolate industry Clay Gordon agreed to use and promote chocolate as a tool in public (civil) and goodwill diplomacy.

He has also engaged as the primary consultant for a cooperative chocolate factory development project for the indigenous Piaroa in Venezuela, where he is invested as a cooperative member. He is assisting in the overall business development through the business plan and will be active in assisting with a crowdfunding development campaign using his social media accounts.

Clay Gordon at a book signing.